
ผลการค้นหาของคุณมี 1270 รายการ บอกรับการค้นหานี้

ไม่ใช่สิ่งที่คุณต้องการใช่หรือไม่ ตรวจสอบsuggestions
1076. Summary report on system management.

by Kumada, Shinya.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Irrigation Engincering canter 1988Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.6442 K8s 1988] (1).

1077. study on rice yield and farmar\'s cultivation technology in Lam Nam Oon Irrigation area Sakon Nakhon

by Natarudn, Bhasayavan.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] Louis Berger International 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 N3s] (1).

1078. Stream Gaging /Discharge and suspended sediment system (DTR version) programmer and user manual (January 1990).

by Supot Promnaret.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1990Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.642 S8s 1990] (3).

1079. Tank model (version 1.1) programmer and user manual (October 1989).

by Supot Promnaret.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.642 S8t 1989] (2).

1080. Technical report on scouring and sedimentation (case study on the Naresuan Dam and the Tak Irrigation Project).

by Vidhaya Samaharn and Other.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Irrigation Engineering Eenter 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 551.3 V5t 1989] (1).

1081. Tung Kula Ronghai preliminary flood mitigation study Northeast Region Thailand.

by Whitehouse, George and Ruangsiri, Paibul.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Australian development Assistance Bureau 1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 551.489 W5t 1978] (1).

1082. Water resources development in Thailand and it policy

by Xujati, Kambhu.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Ministey of national developmont 1963Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. ] (1).

1083. Technical comments on procedures and data processing of tri-axial compression test.

by Yasunaka, Masami and Other.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Irrigation Engineering Eenter 1986Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 607.2 Y3t 1986 ] (1).

1084. Table showing water resources 1974 - 1975.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal irrigating department 1975Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627 R6t 1974-75 2.3] (2).

1085. Table showing water resources 1974 - 1975.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal irrigating department. 1975Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627 R6t 1974-75 2.3] (2).

1086. Study of potential development of water resources in the Salawin river Basin : draft final report : Volume II

by Asia Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 551.49 A7s Volume 2] (1).

1087. Study of potential development of water resources in the Salawin river Basin : draft final report : Volume III

by Asia Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 55.49 A7s Volume 3] (1).

1088. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin Volume 2 : Main Report.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (2).

1089. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin Volume exective summary.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1090. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1993Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (5). Items available for reference: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1091. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin. Volume I - Main Report

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (5). Items available for reference: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1092. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin.Volume ll - Appendices

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (5). Items available for reference: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1093. Study of potential development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok The office of national economic and social. 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (6).

1094. Study of potential development of water resources in the Salawin river Basin Volume1 : Executive summary.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1095. Study of potential development of water resources in the Salawin river Basin.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (2).

1096. Study of potentisl development of water resources in the Mae Klong River Basin Volume 3 : appendices.

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Office of the National Economic and Social Development Board 1994Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 A7s] (1).

1097. Symposium on computer aidec

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technolong 1986Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 624.15] (1).

1098. Water for the Northeast : drought analysis part 1 : rain fall analysis

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology c1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 551.3 A7w ] (1).

1099. Water for the Northeast : drought analysis part 2 : low flow statistics

by Asian Institute of Technology.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology c1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 551.3 A7w] (1).

1100. The Third Princess Chulabhorn science congress

by Chulabhorn Research Institute.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Chulabhorn Research Institute 1995Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 333.91 C.4w] (1).

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