
ผลการค้นหาของคุณมี 1270 รายการ บอกรับการค้นหานี้

ไม่ใช่สิ่งที่คุณต้องการใช่หรือไม่ ตรวจสอบsuggestions
601. Methods and problems of flood control in Asia and the Far East : flood control series No.2

by United Nations.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok United Nations 1951Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.4 E3m] (1).

602. Modelling of storm drainage systam for eastern Sub-urban of Bangkok

by Tanit Boonpan.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1999Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: The.627.5 T3m 1999 ] (1).

603. Multi-site streamflow generation with the view of preserving the higher order moments

by Chaiwat Kayankanavy.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: The.621.1 C4m 1979 ] (1).

604. Mun River Basin water resounsce apsonrees development Master plan executive summary

by Binnie&Partners | Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1995Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.71 B5m 1995 ] (1).

605. Mun River basin water resources development master plan : Final technical report.

by Binnie & Partners.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1995Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 B5m 1995 ] (1).

606. Mun River basin water resources development master plan : Technical annexes A-G

by Binnie & Partners.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1995Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 B5m 1995 ] (1).

607. Mun River basin water resources development master plan : Technical annexes H-O

by Binnie & Partners.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1995Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 B5m 1995 ] (1).

608. The music of His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej

by The Katavethin Foundation.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok The Katavethin Foundation 1987Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน (1).

609. Muskingum flood routing programmer and user manual.

by Supot Promnaret.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.642 S8m 1989 ] (3).

610. My activities on improvement of existing irrigation project (June 12,1991 - June 11,1993).

by Nagasawa, Yukihiro.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 N3m] (1).

611. Nam Chi project Thailand feasibility investigations. Volume II designs and cost estimates.

by United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Recramation.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok The Bureau of Rrclamation United States Department of the Interion. 1970Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.52 U5n 1970 V.2] (2).

612. Nam Chi project Thailand feasibility investigations Volume I - Hydrology studies Supplement to Appendix III - hydrology and climatology Nam Chi project feasibility report

by Harza Engineering Company.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok The Bureau of Rrclamation United States Department of the Interion. 1970Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.52 H3n 1970 v.1] (2).

613. Nam Chi project Thailand feasibility investigations : Volume III Economic studies Supplement to Appendix VI - economic, agricultural, social, and financial analyses Nam Chi project feasibility report

by Harza Engineering Company.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Harza Engineering Company. 1970Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 H3n 1970 V.3] (2).

614. Nam Pong enveronmental management research project : A project supported by the Ford Foundation : working document No. 13.

by Mekong Secretarial.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Water Weed and studies on Fish, Fish Production and Productivity 1980Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 630 M4n 1980 no. 13] (1).

615. Nam Pong enveronmental management research project : A project supported by the Ford Foundation : working document No. 13.

by Mekong Secretarial.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Water Weed and studies on Fish, Fish Production and Productivity 1980Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 630 M4n 1980 no. 12] (1).

616. Nam Pong environmental management research project

by The ford Foundation.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Soil physics and chemistry 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 630 F6n No.4] (11).

617. Nam Pong environmental management research project - a project supported by the ford foundation

by Interim Committee for Coordination investigations of the lower Mekong Basin.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.52 F 6e] (1).

618. Nam Pong irrigation project stage II Analysis of present drainage facilities and salinity monitoring as a basis for developing a salinity amelioration programme

by Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahala Consulting Engineers 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 R6n 1985] (2).

619. Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Completion report

by Tahal Consulting Engineers.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1986Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1986] (2).

620. Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Flood control study.

by Tahal Consulting Engineers.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1981] (1).

621. Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Flood protection study III.

by Tohal consulting engineers Ltd | Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1983Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1983] (2).

622. Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Hydrological study related to flood control of the project area.

by TAHAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD | Tahal Consulting Engineers.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1980Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.54 T3n 1980 ] (1).

623. Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Progress report no.26 : July 1, 1985 to September 30, 1985.

by Tahal Consulting Engineers | Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1985] (1).

624. Nam Pong irrigation project stage II : Project Application to be Presented to the Thai Government for Approval Basad on TAHAL's feasibility study and on the findings of KfW 's : Appraisal mission.

by Royai Irrigation Department | Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 R6n 1978] (1).

625. Nam Pong Irrigation Project Stage II : Summarizing report on flood control hydrology and dykes their operation and maintenance.

by Tahal Consulting Engineerrs Ltd.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1984Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1984] (2).

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