
ผลการค้นหาของคุณมี 1270 รายการ บอกรับการค้นหานี้

ไม่ใช่สิ่งที่คุณต้องการใช่หรือไม่ ตรวจสอบsuggestions
801. Prediction of seepage and percolation rate for some irrigated arears of N-E Thailand

by Adhikary, Uddhav Prasad.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Asian Institute of Technology 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: The.627.54 A3p 1979 ] (1).

802. Pre-feasibility study of the Nam Song Khram basin irrigation and flood control Volume II : Annexes


Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok NEDECO 1983Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.7 N3p] (1).

803. Pre-feasibility study on the Sakae Krang River Basin Irrigation Project : Main Report

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] Japan International Cooperation Agency 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3p 1985 ] (1).

804. Pre-Feasibility study on the upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Final report main report

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3p 1982] (1).

805. Pre-Feasibility study on the upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Final report annex vol. 1

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3p 1982 Vol.1] (1).

806. Pre-Feasibility study on the upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Final report annex vol. 2

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3p 1983 Vol.2] (2).

807. Pre-Feasibility study on The upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Draft final report Annex Vol.1

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] Japan International Cooperation Agency 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3P 1981] (1).

808. Pre-Feasibility study on the upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Draft final report : Main report.

by Japan Internatianal Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Japan International Cooperation Agency 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3p 1981] (1).

809. Pre-Feasibility study on The upper Pasak Medium Scale Irrigation Project : Draft final report Annex Vol.2

by Japan International Cooperation Agency.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] Japan International Cooperation Agency 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 J3P 1981] (1).

810. Prefeasibility study on wastewater treatment of the lower part of Khlong Prem Prachakorn

by Pollution Control Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Thailand institute of scientific and technologyical research 1993Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 628.3 P6p] (1).

811. Preliminary phase report : Chao Phraya - Meklong Basin study : Appendices.

by Acres International Limited Niagara Falls.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1977Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 A3p 1977] (3).

812. Preliminary study of the water resource development on the Lam Dome Noi project.

by Royal Irrigation Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1966Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 R6p 1966 ] (1).

813. preliminary study on flood protection / drainage project in Eastern Suburdam- Bangkok Draft final report summary.

by Bangkok Metroplitan Administration.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Japan International Cooperation Agency 1984Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.54 B3p] (1).

814. Preparation of Emergency Action Plan (EAP) of Kaeng Krachan Dam, Bangkok Final Report on the Study of Dam Failures Executive Summary Report.

by Panya Consultants.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok : Royal Irrigation Department, 2023Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.81 P6p 2023] (1).

815. Present situation of water quality in estuaries (Bang Pakong, Chao Phraya, tha Chin and Mae Klong of Thailand)

by Minami, Isao. and Prasert Milintangul.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Irrigation Engineering Eenter 1991Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 543.3 P7p C.2] (3).

816. Present Situation of Water quality in Estuaries (Bang Pakong, Chao Phraya Tha Chin and Mae Klong) of Thailand.

by | Prasert Milintangul.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Irrigation Engineering Eenter 1991Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 543.3 M5p 1991] (2).

817. Pressure recovery in a two-phase solid-liquid flow through a sudden expansion

by Prida Thimakorn.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Seato Graduate School of Engineering 1962Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: The. 634 T7p 1962] (1).

818. Proability analysis of extreme value programmer and user manual.

by Supot Promnaret.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1989Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 001.642 S8p 1989] (2).

819. Proceedinds of second international soil classification workshop.

by Soil Survey Division Land Development Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Soil Survey Division Land Development Department. 1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.4a S6p] (1).

820. Proceedinds of second international soil classification workshop.

by Soil Survey Division Land Development Department.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Soil Survey Division Land Development Department. 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 631.44. S6r] (1).

821. Proceeding international workshop on urban flood protection and drainage in East and Southeast Asia.

by Chulalongkorn University.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok Chalalongkorn University. 1987Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 627.4 C.4p] (1).

822. Proceeding of a conference on the Thai-Australian Chao Phraya research project, Chainat : 1966-1975

by Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok The Ministry of 1974Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID.] (1).

823. Proceeding of national seminar on water pollution-quality control laboratory technology

by Office of the National Environment Board.

Material type: book Book Publisher: Bangkok s.n. 1987Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 628.168 O4p] (1).

824. Proceedings 2000 workshop on game-tropics in Thailand and Japan sub-committee for game-tropics

by National Sub-committee for Game-tropics in Thailand and Japan Sub-committee for Game-tropics.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] National sub-committee for game-tropics in Thailand and Japan sub-committee for game-tropics 2000Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 551.49 N3p] (1).

825. Proceedings \'99 on game tropices in Thailand

by National Sub-committee for Game-tropics in Thailand and Japan Sub-committee for Game-tropics.

Material type: book Book Publisher: [Bangkok] National sub-committee for game-tropics in Thailand and Japan sub-committee for game-tropics 1999Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: 551.49 N3p] (1).

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