Nam Pong Irrigation Project stage II : Progress report no.26 : July 1, 1985 to September 30, 1985.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers | Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1985] (1).
Nam Pong irrigation project water management and protection mannal : planning of water distribution program for area underfull operation at present
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1983Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1983 ] (1).
Nong Pla Lai Project (stage I) : Monthly progress report no. 26 October 1992.
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1992Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4n 1992 ] (1).
Nong Pla Lai Project (stage I) : Monthly progress report no. 28 December 1992.
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1992Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4n 1992 ] (1).
Nong Pla Lai Project (stage I) : Monthly progress report no. 31 March 1993.
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1993Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4n 1993 ] (1).
Nong Pla Lai Project (stage I) : Monthly progress report no. 33 May 1993.
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1993Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4n 1993 ] (1).
Nong Pla Lai Project (stage I) : Monthly progress report no. 35 July 1993.
by Team Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1993Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.8 T4n 1993 ] (1).
Northeast irrigation project stage II (Lam Pao stage II and Lam Taklong) : IBRD loan no.1630 TH : IFAD loan no.5-THA : Progress report no. 4 (February 1, 1980 to May 31, 1980).
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1980Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1980] (2).
Northeast Irrigation Project stage II : Report No. 2 Concerning the investigation program for the safety of Lam Taklong dam and Lam Pao dam , Volume III guidelines for operation and maintenance for Lam Pao and Lam Taklong dams.
by Tahal consulting engineers LTD | Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1982Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.5 T7n 1982 Vol. 3] (2).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Imporovement Project (IDA CREDIT 461TH) : Progress Report (October 1, 1977 to January 30, 1978). Progress Report (October 1, 1977 to January 30, 1978).
by Tahal Consulting Engineers ltd. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1978Other title: progress report No. 8 October 1, 1977 to January 30, 1978.Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1978] (1).
Northeast Thailand irrigation improvement project : Annual report.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1978Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1975] (1).
Northeast Thailand irrigation improvement project II : Lam Pao : Flood protection study
by Royal Irrigation Department | Tahal Consulting Engineers LTD. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 R6n 1981] (1).
Northeast Thailand irrigation improvement project Lam Pao subproject feasibility study : Volume six - Main report.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Tahal Consulting Engineers 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T7n 1976 Vol. 6] (1).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation improvement project Lam Pao subproject feasibility study : Volume three - Drawings.
by [TAHAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS]. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T7n 1976 Vol. 3] (3).
Northeast Thailand irrigation improvement project : Lam Takong : subproject feasibility study : Volume five - appendices and drawings.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1976 V. 5] (5).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Improvement project Nam Pong subproject feasibility study : Volume Seven - Appendices and Drawings.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1976 Vol. 7] (1).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation improvement project Nam Pong subproject feasibility study : Volume six-main report
by TAHAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1976 ] (1).
Northeast Thailand irrigation improvement project semi - detailed survey of soil and land resources : Volume Eight - report.
by Tahal consulting Engineers | Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok Royal Irrigation Department 1976Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 627.52 T3n 1976 V. 8] (6).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation improverment project II (Lam Pao stage II and Lam takhong) (IBRD LOAN NO. 1630 TH) (IFAD LOAN No. 5-THA) progress report No.13 February 1, 1983 to May 31, 1983
by Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok กรมชลประทาน 1983Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1983] (1).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation improverment project II (Lam Pao stage II and Lam takhong) IBRD LOAN NO. 1630 TH : IFAD LOAN No. 5-THA : progress report No.1 (March 13, 1979 to May 31, 1979.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers Ltd. Material type: Book Publisher: Bangkok กรมชลประทาน 1979Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1979] (1).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Project II Lam Pao flood protection study
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1981] (1).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Project II Lam Pao project : flood protection study
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1983Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1983] (2).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Project II Lam Pao Project : Reservoir flood and operation studies
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1985 ] (2).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Project II (Lam Pao stage II and Lam Takhong) (IBRD loan no.1630-th)(IFAD loan no.5-tha) : Completion Report.
by Tahal Consulting Engineers. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1985Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1985] (5).
Northeast Thailand Irrigation Project : stage I credit 461-TH.
by TAHAL CONSULTING ENGINEERS LTD | Royal Irrigation Department. Material type: Book Publisher: Bankok Tahal cosulting engineers 1981Availability: Items available for loan: ห้องสมุดกรมชลประทาน [Call number: RID. 631.7 T3n 1981 ] (3).